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Android Developers Can Use Google AdMob And Comply With GDPR

Google is asking app developers who publish apps on its play store to obtain consent for data use and for ad personalisation through its AdMob platform. 

Due to the coming GDPR legislation which comes into effect on the 25th of May. Any business based in the EU will need to gain opt-in consent to collect or use any of their user’s personal data. 

This news places the responsibility of obtaining consent for Google’s services that are running in the background (such as AdMob targeting) on the shoulders of the publishers. Android developers are expecting to see some kind of software kit to help them obtain and manage this consent. As of now, and up until the new legislation kicks in, Google has not announced any SDK or toolkit that could solve this headache for Android developers. 

Many developers lacking the time or manpower to create such a kit are weighing up their options ahead of the legislation. Some have even hinted at switching of these third-party services for users int eh EU. 


The problem

Breaches of the legislation carry with it the threat of huge fines. User consent has always been an issue for app publishers. Creating a solution for obtaining consent and then managing this consent is no easy feat. Integrating this consent with third-party integrations (such as advertising solutions) adds another layer of complexity. 

For Android developers, the problem is a little more pressing as AdMob revenue is what keeps them afloat. Developers may find themselves stuck between a rock and hard place – turning off AdMob would instantly create a big hole in their revenue. However, keeping it on and exposing themselves to potentially destructive fines doesn’t seem like a viable option either. 


So what’s the solution?

With the right toolkit developers wouldn’t have to change their business model too much. Letting users opt out of ads might lose some revenue but it’s a necessary step to take to comply with the changing mood around privacy and transparency. 

Controlling user data in a responsible way makes sense because it builds trust and in the long term it will be beneficial for developers. 

Luckily for developers, there’s a toolkit that is addressing this problem. Via a dedicated SDK app, publishers can continue to use third-party ad integrations, such as AdMob. The toolkit obtains and manages user consent to help developers comply with regulations such as GDPR.

As well as this the toolkit will sync user consent across devices. All consent preferences are stored in a secure audit trail so that developers can call on consent history of their users. The audit trail also contains information on consent preferences that have been replayed to third parties. In the AdMob example when a user opts out of personalised ads in their app the consent SDK will relay this to Google. The audit will register this along with a timestamp and other relevant details.

The SDK provides this functionality for first-party app features as well as third-party integrations. It’s a comprehensive toolkit to take control of your user consent. 

This toolkit doesn’t need to only apply for Admb or even android. A wider conversation about the role of consent in mobile applications needs to be had. Developers should look at how consent is obtained, managed and communicated to third parties. 

Complying with GDPR is a shortsighted approach. Developers need to put their users first and think about how they can put these users back in control of their data.

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Get free early access to the consent toolkit 

We’ll get you set up for free as soon as it’s launched. 

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App GDPR Toolkit – How Developers Can Prepare Apps for GDPR

When GDPR is concerned, developers can’t afford to overlook app user privacy, consent and opt-in preferences. Here’s five tips that will get you compliant.

It’s a huge problem for app publishers. How can you comply with intimidating privacy legislation and maximise the number of users that are opted into your app services?

By some estimates over 50% of current apps are not compliant with the new GDPR legislation.

That’s because apps have multiple third parties and SDKs integrated. Many of these are asking for data on users.

It’s difficult for publishers to keep track of this. But it’s now the law to be in control of this data.

It shouldn’t have to be this difficult to comply with privacy regulation. And it shouldn’t be hard for your users to opt-in and out of individual preferences.

Lucky we think we’ve found a solution for developers to manage, sync and audit consent in their suite of mobile apps. 


Asking for consent and getting your users to opt-in

Complying with privacy legislation isn’t the most straightforward process.

And how do you make sure that you don’t spook your users into opting out of all services? User opt-in is important to obtain as it can be a great tool in which to drive engagement and retention, not to mention monetization.

You need to ask user to opt-in at the right time. And you need to be clear that they are in control. We tried to solve this problem by designing our consent toolkit to help developers obtain and manage user consent.

Many apps get opt-in timing wrong. Don’t ask for all permissions the first time that the user opens the app. Explaining the value that users will get in return for opting in for certain permission will mean that the user is better educated about what their data is being used for.

Make sure that your opt-in process is clear and be upfront with your users.


Manage user opt-out requests respectfully

Under new legislation is just as important to ensure that users can opt out as it is to obtain consent properly in the first place. To do this publishers must have a system in place that can allow their users to opt out of some or all of the permissions that they have previously opted in for.

This was one of the fundamentals that shaped the way our consent module works. We wanted our toolkit to make it as easy for users to opt-out and it is to opt-in. This needs to be done in a way that doesn’t just put the user in control of their data but allows them to choose which kinds of data is used by publishers.


Make sure you can manage consent across devices

Consent and user opt-in management are difficult enough to get right as it is. But this can be made nigh on impossible when you consider the fact that app users are constantly deleting apps and changing devices. 

Syncing user settings are important because if a user has revoked a permission on one device then to continue to use this could be a breach of privacy regulation. Also, if a user requests that all their data be deleted, this is difficult to do unless you can identify everywhere that the user has given access to data.

That’s one of the problems that the consent toolkit was built to solve. By using a series of unique identifiers it’s possible for developers using the toolkit to sync consent preferences. In this way, the consent toolkit manages a users consent and opt-in/opt-out preferences whenever they interact with an app or service.

This is especially useful when a user requests their data be deleted (or in GDPR terms – right to be forgotten). Having a toolkit that syncs across devices allows publishers to remove this data and stop collecting it wherever the user is seen in the future.

Sometimes it’s a messy infrastructure. What happens if a user updates consent preferences in one app, but uses other apps from you? Make sure you can sync this preference across your real-estate.


Integrate user consent with third parties

Apps rarely run in isolation. You might have third party services, or other SDKs that have access to our user’s data.

These need to be kept in sync with the user’s opt-in preferences. If your user says no to communication, this needs to be updated with third-party advertisers for example.

At Tamoco, our consent module allows apps to instantly update third parties with new user preferences. If a user asks for all of their historical data to be deleted this information needs to be relayed to third parties.

The consent SDK communicates this to third parties automatically when a user’s preferences are updated.

Information of this is then secured in a secure audit trail. The consent module will automatically ask third parties to confirm that they have received these requests for changes in a users preferences. When this is (or is not) received this is saved in the audit trail, along with timestamps and relevant information.

This means that developers can ensure that their users’ opt-in preferences are respected in third-party integrations. It’s important to be able to follow an audit trail to prove that this information was relayed to third-party partners and integrations such as SDKs.


Make sure you have a secure audit trail

With the correct procedure in place, developers don’t need to worry about manually managing consent. But what happens if you ever need to prove that your app has protected user data.

App developers need a way of storing the history of user consent. It should be easy for developers to prove that historical consent has been obtained.

In our consent toolkit we provide developers with an audit trail to do just this. Everytime a user changes their consent preferences then the SDK automatically records this with time stamp.

This ensures that app publishers are always covered. This information is easily viewed and provided for reference. Third-party consent is also stored in the audit trail. All requests for opt-out are sent to third parties and the record of this is then stored in the audit.

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The consent toolkit is launching soon, sign up below to get free early access

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