
4 Ways Big Data Can Skyrocket Your Mobile App Marketing

Do you need help to acquire, engage, and retain your users in the fiercely competitive mobile app realm? Does the continuously evolving landscape and shifting mindsets make it challenging to craft an efficient strategy? 

You are not alone; several marketers are grappling with this issue that hinders their marketing success. The good news is you can navigate this challenge by adopting Big Data analytics.  

Leveraging the available data and information, this technology can help you address the pain points and shift your strategies to meet the user’s needs. The global Big Data analytics market will reach $655.53 by 2029 as per Statista, which indicates the huge potential for insight-backed decisions. This figure highlights how Big Data can help to play an important role in user engagement and retention. 

If you want to develop your mobile application then you can greatly benefit from integrating Big Data analytics. This approach enhances user satisfaction, fosters loyalty, and helps to improve long-term success in the marketplace.

This article will explore the top four ways in which Big Data can supercharge your mobile app marketing and attain specific goals.  

Top Four Ways to Use Big Data in Mobile App Marketing

Big Data can become a game changer for businesses, helping them engage and retain. You can analyze the user’s behavior and preferences to refine your marketing strategies. 

#1 Utilize Big Data for Precision-Targeted User Acquisition

As a mobile app marketer, your biggest challenge is knowing the audience and ensuring your marketing efforts reach them. However, the vast landscape makes it slightly difficult to reach the immediate audience. 

This results in shallow marketing outcomes, and reduced retention. What if you could target the actual users of your application? Big Data analytics assures marketers of being able to achieve this with ease.

You can use the information made available by the users to dive into the demographics, interests, and behaviors. This can help you plan a more targeted and defined marketing campaign for the users. 

You can use simple social media interactions with app usage data to segment the people who will use the application. Next, you personalize the message for them. When they see a more tailored and defined message, they will download the application. Your acquisition efforts are rewarded, and you will notice an increase in conversion rates. 

For example, if you are a health and fitness app, you need people interested in the segment to join you. You must target the gym goer or weight loss enthusiasts as your ideal target audience. You must study their app behavior and preferences to position and market your application.  

#2 Enhance User Engagement with Data-Driven Insights

You are constantly struggling with keeping up the engagement to ensure maximum revenue generation. Keeping them engaged in an application can be difficult. A lot of businesses notice that users churn after a point. 

You can avoid this by leveraging the power of Big Data analytics. Understand the user and their usage before proceeding with the marketing decisions.

Analyse the aspects such as session length, the features they use, and their interactions. Look for areas that frustrate them the most. You can use analytics tools to understand the user’s behavior within the application. 

These insights will help find the improvement possibilities and optimize the solution for engagement/retention. 

For example, you studied the user’s movement through the app and noticed a lot of people are churning at the onboarding stage. You might want to check the frustrations they experience. Once you understand them, try to work on minimizing these by adding pointers or pop-ups. 

The idea is to use the insights to improve the features and personalize the marketing. In the case of marketing, You can also use onboarding as the stage. Tell them how you onboard and make the journey effective. This would also maximize your downloads. 

When you cater to their needs, you will notice an increase in engagement and loyalty. 

#3 Optimize Your App with User-Centric Insights from Big Data

Users stay on the app longer when they notice the app developers taking an acute interest in their needs. When you follow their lead and identify the strengths/weaknesses in your app, you can improve it for them.

Big data offers invaluable opportunities to incorporate their feedback and continuously upgrade the app. You can leverage the potential of insights to build a user-centric application. 

You can use their feedback, reviews and other crucial metrics (loading speed, crashes, bugs) to determine the frustrations and pain points. For instance, continuous crashes or bugs need to be addressed immediately. When you do that, the user feels listened and they will continue to stay with you.

You can also use their mentions of the app to understand the features they need or updates that interest them. This will help you stay relevant amidst competition and ensure long-lasting engagement.

You can also use these insights to market your app and position it with unique value. 

#4 Differentiate Your App with Unique Insights and Value Propositions

Differentiating your product is key to maximizing your audience and increasing conversions. Most users look for the differentiated value your app will offer to download and use it. 

Big Data analytics can identify the primary insights related to competition, engagement and marketing. You can use these insights to determine the gaps and find the differentiated value you offer. 

You can use these gaps to position your product in the market and employ diverse marketing campaigns. This point of differentiation will help you build narratives that interest and engage your users. 

For example, you may find that the competitors are not engaging with a particular niche. You will also learn they don’t offer a specific feature or solution that is in demand. This will help you build the USP for your product and the marketing narratives. 

These insights can help you be more relevant and address the actual pain points of the users. 


Big Data is a crucial and worthy addition to your mobile app marketing strategy. It can uplift your marketing outcomes by addressing the pain points and defining the apt positioning. 

You can use these insights to improve acquisitions, engage your users better and optimize the product. You can even use this to identify the existing gaps and leverage them to define your marketing campaigns. 

With the ever-evolving volume and complexity of information, Big Data is a must-have for every marketer. It will help build data-backed campaigns to ensure targeted and sustainable marketing outcomes.



4 Sectors That Will Be Most Affected by Generative AI

Generative AI, a rapidly advancing technology, is transforming various industries and businesses in remarkable ways. Looking ahead, generative AI might be the most important technology for humanity.

It is a type of AI that can produce new materials or data, such as texts, photos, or music. This technology can also transform the work structure by automating many workers’ tasks and saving them up to 60-70% of their time.

Given the enhanced potential of technology automation, the pace of workforce change is expected to accelerate.

Business Opportunities With Generative AI

Businesses can benefit from generative AI in various ways, including enhanced productivity, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. AI can free up time and resources for people to focus on higher-value activities by automating certain jobs. Furthermore, AI can assist firms in innovating and creating new goods or services, thereby increasing growth and competitiveness.

However, there are some disadvantages to consider. To function effectively, generative AI models may require substantial computational resources and experience which often translates into high costs and technical complexities. This can make it difficult for smaller firms with limited budgets and less technical expertise. There is also the possibility that the generated information will be of lower quality or contain unintended errors, potentially harming a company’s reputation.

Ethical Implications of Using AI in Business

The use of generative AI in business creates several ethical challenges, including:

  • Bias. AI models can potentially perpetuate or even magnify existing biases in the data they are trained on, resulting in biased outputs.
  • Privacy. Individual privacy rights may be violated if personal data is used to build generative AI models.
  • Misuse or exploitation. Fake news, deep fakes, and other harmful material can be created using generative AI.

Businesses should set strong ethical standards and monitoring procedures for the use of generative AI to address these challenges. Regulatory frameworks may also be required to guarantee AI is utilized responsibly and ethically.

Which Sectors Will Witness the Greatest Influence of AI?

Generative AI has the potential to have a wide-ranging influence on a variety of sectors and enterprises. Some industries that could be significantly impacted by generative AI include the following.

1. Media and entertainment

AI-generated material, such as artwork, music, and movies, opens up new horizons for artists to create and express themselves. AI-powered recommendation systems provide consumers with individualized content, increasing engagement and retention. Furthermore, generative AI-powered virtual influencers and chatbots engage with audiences, blurring the border between fiction and reality. In manufacturing, generative AI automates repetitive operations, simplifies processes, and decreases costs.

2. Financial sector

AI algorithms analyze massive volumes of financial data, allowing for more precise risk assessment, fraud detection, and investing strategies. Chatbots and virtual assistants improve customer satisfaction by enhancing customer service and streamlining interactions. Generative AI enables predictive analytics, assisting institutions in making data-driven portfolio management and asset allocation decisions.

3. Education

Generative AI can generate interactive and immersive instructional content, such as virtual simulations and customized courses, which enhance engagement and information retention. Automated grading systems save educators time and offer students immediate feedback. AI chatbots answer questions and provide help, promoting autonomous learning. Furthermore, generative AI makes data analysis easier, allowing educators to spot student performance trends and tailor teaching techniques.

4. Healthcare

AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of medical data to identify patterns, leading to more accurate and early disease detection. However, the widespread adoption of generative AI in healthcare raises concerns about data privacy, security, and ethical use. Striking a balance between innovation and patient safety is crucial for harnessing the full potential of generative AI to revolutionize healthcare services and advance medical science.

Risks of Global AI Usage

The growth of generative AI and automation raises various concerns about employment displacement:

  1. Skill gaps. AI and generative technologies need particular talents for creation, maintenance, and monitoring. Job displacement may result in a growing skill gap, making it difficult for certain individuals to shift to other professions or industries.
  2. Economic imbalance. Job automation may worsen economic inequality by benefiting those with suitable skills and education while leaving others unemployed or underemployed.
  3. Social inequality. Individuals and communities may face social upheaval and economic hardship due to mass job displacement, potentially resulting in civil unrest.
  4. Ethical concerns. AI’s replacement of human occupations raises ethical concerns about its influence on employees’ lives, work-life balance, and the responsibilities of businesses and politicians.
  5. Job loss. As generative AI advances in sophistication, it has the potential to replace human occupations, particularly those requiring repetitive and mundane labor. Industries that rely largely on physical labor or basic data analysis may experience major employment losses.

The following human jobs are most likely to be replaced by AI soon:

  • Media roles (content creators, technical writers, journalists, advertising professionals);
  • Market research analysts;
  • Tech roles (computer programmers, сoders, data analysts, software engineers);
  • Legal field roles (paralegals, legal assistants);
  • Finance jobs (financial analysts, personal financial advisors);
  • Accountants;
  • Educators;
  • Traders;
  • Graphic designers;
  • Customer support agents.

Addressing these risks necessitates a comprehensive approach that includes reskilling and upskilling programs, creating a labor market for AI-related occupations, and developing rules that balance technology growth with worker well-being. Encouraging AI and human workers to collaborate can lead to a more balanced and sustainable future of employment.


Generative AI helps to develop new material or minimize the time and expense of creating it by learning from massive volumes of data. It enables new applications in industries like marketing, product design, journalism, etc.

It also significantly influences the scientific and pharmaceutical sectors, accelerating and lowering the costs of research procedures. Its capacity to examine large datasets aids in the rapid development and testing of ideas, lowering the time required to create novel medications.

As we can see, AI provides significant productivity gains for administrative personnel by decreasing workloads and allowing them to focus on more complex tasks. The societal influence of this new technology, like that of any new technology, is impossible to anticipate. There will be both good and bad, and the unanticipated side effects will catch us unprepared.


How to Use Data Analytics to Improve Your Website Rankings?

In this digital age, having a bang-up online presence is an absolute must for any business. This means not only having a cool website but also making sure it ranks like a boss in search engine results pages (SERPs). One savvy way to do this is by using analytics for SEO.

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the name of the game when it comes to optimizing a website’s content and structure to pump up its visibility and ranking in search engine results. Analytics, on the other hand, is the art of gathering and analyzing data to gain insights and make smart decisions.

By teaming up SEO and analytics, businesses can get a better handle on how their website is performing and figure out areas where they can shine like a diamond. In this article, we’ll show you how to use data analytics to improve your website rankings, find an affordable link building company, and achieve greater online success.

Start by Digging Up the Juiciest Keywords

Keywords are the foundation of SEO data analysis, and they act as a magic wand to conjure up top ranking positions in search engine results. By doing some serious digging to uncover the juiciest keywords, you can find the hidden gems that will make your website sparkle like a diamond in the rough.

There are a ton of tools out there that can help with keyword research, like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs. These powerful tools can help you find high-value keywords with low competition, as well as long-tail keywords that will help you stand out like a bright neon sign on a dark night. It will help you choose the best websites for guest articles and get splendid results in online competitions.

Make a comparison table of keyword research tools

Here is a comparison table of some popular keyword research tools:

Keyword Research Tool



Google Keyword Planner

Provides keyword ideas, search volume data, and competition data



Offers keyword research, competitor analysis, and content analysis features

Starts at $119.95/month


Provides keyword research, competitor analysis, and backlink analysis features

Starts at $99/month

Moz Keyword Explorer

Offers keyword research, SERP analysis, and organic click-through rate data

Starts at $79/month

Keyword Tool

Provides keyword ideas for Google, YouTube, Bing, Amazon, and other platforms

Starts at $89/month


Offers keyword research, content ideas, and backlink data

Free and paid plans starting at $12/month

Keep in mind that the features and pricing may vary depending on the specific plan you choose. It’s essential to consider your specific needs and budget when selecting a keyword research tool.

Keep a Close Eye on Your Website’s Performance

After you’ve pinpointed the most suitable keywords for your website, it’s essential to monitor how it’s performing in search engine results. This is where tools like Google Analytics or SEMrush come in handy, as they offer a wealth of information about your website’s traffic, engagement, and bounce rates.

While you track the performance metrics of the website you own or master, you can pinpoint where you’re excelling and areas where you need to improve. This knowledge can then be used to make savvy decisions about where to focus your efforts to have the maximum impact on your SEO ranking data, leaving your competitors in the rearview mirror.

Optimize Your Website’s Content Like a Pro

Once you’ve established your website’s keywords and performance, it’s time to level up your content optimization game. This entails crafting top-notch content that’s not only tailored to your target keywords but also informative and engaging for your readers.

On-page SEO is a critical element of content optimization, which involves optimizing your website’s meta tags, title tags, and header tags to make it easier for search engines to crawl and index your content. Another key factor is off-page SEO, which involves securing high-quality backlinks from credible websites to enhance your website’s authority and reputation. Look how Smart Business Daily represents and explains nofollow links.

Don’t Forget About Mobile Optimization

In today’s world, where mobile devices are king, it’s crucial to ensure that your website is optimized for mobile users. This involves having a mobile-first mentality when designing your website, utilizing responsive design to ensure it looks fantastic on any device, and optimizing your content for mobile search.

By prioritizing mobile optimization, you can tap into a massive audience of mobile users and reach them wherever they may be, whether it’s on the move or snuggled up on the sofa. This can help you broaden your reach, drive more traffic to your website, and boost your SEO rankings, sending your website soaring like a bird in flight.

Wrapping Up

To sum it all up, using data analytics for SEO is a vital tool for any business aiming to dominate the online world. By implementing these tips and tricks, you can optimize your website like a pro and propel your SEO rankings to new heights, outshining your competitors and shining like a star in the sky.


What Careers Are Available in Geospace – An Overview

In a nutshell, geospace refers to the area of outer space near the Earth. This field of work and study includes heliophysics, the Earth’s magnetosphere, geodesy, and the relationship between our planet and the sun. For those with a thirst for knowledge and discovery, geospace is a fascinating field. But what kind of long-term career aspects can this field provide?


In this short article, we’ll be taking a look at some of the principal ways people are putting their passion for geospace into practice and making a career out of their geospatial studies. Because the field of geospace is relatively new (compared to other scientific fields) and it, as well as its applications, are growing, we’ve broken down the geospace work opportunities into three main areas: research, engineering, and project management. 


Whether it’s to gain a greater understanding of climate change, the effects of commercial and military products on the atmosphere, the migration of habitats in changing environments, or the deployment of satellites, the influence of geospatial research is far-reaching. Following recent disruptions in the supply chain, the observation of the Earth is now playing a major role in monitoring the global supply chain. 

Who’s Hiring?

Much of the research in the field of geospace is carried out in universities. However, large many large companies whose products or services are directly dependent on the environment also conduct geospatial research. In most cases, this research is focused on surveying and mapping.


The two largest providers of geospatial research opportunities are:

  • Universities
  • Energy companies


To get a research position with one of these institutions or companies, a strong academic track record is needed. However, you don’t need to have a degree in geospatial studies to end up working in the field. The fields of study that are most likely to lead to a job in geospatial research include:


  • Geomatics
  • Environmental science
  • Engineering
  • Mathematics and statistics
  • Computer science 

What Geospatial Research Consists Of

When looking at research projects and perusing geospatial research positions on popular online job search engines like Lensa, we see a close correlation between research and big data collection. This means a large portion of geospatial research is conducted with the aid of advanced technologies such as software and computer modeling. This is why professionals involved in geospatial research are generally tech-savvy and have experience in computer science.


In addition to advanced technologies, geospatial research is conducted, in many cases, in collaboration with field surveyors and cartographers or data collectors. In simple terms, geospatial research consists of collecting data and analyzing it to identify patterns and aberrations and then eventually make projections or predictions based on this data.



Along with biotech and nanotech, The US Department of Labor has identified geospatial technologies as a “high-growth field.” The vast growth we’ve seen in the field of geospace is due, to a large extent, to the growing interest in finding alternative energy sources, expanding and optimizing our current energy sources, and preparing for or minimizing the effects of climate change.


Employment opportunities as a geospatial engineer are vast and continually growing. whether it’s as a civil engineer, with The US Army Corps of Engineers, working in construction, disaster relief, or with energy companies (and that’s just the tip of the iceberg), there is no shortage of job opportunities when it comes to geospatial engineering.



The picture above shows the more traditional image we might conjure when we think of a surveyor. And while this type of fieldwork is important and still carried out today, a lot has changed in the job description for a surveying engineer.


Today, surveying engineers use GIS technology (geographic information systems) to create, manage, and analyze a mapping of a large set of data points. Today’s surveying engineer needs a lot of knowledge and experience with this kind of software and virtual imaging. 

Geospatial Software Engineer

The heavy reliance on sophisticated software and GIS in the field of geospatial engineering and/or research means that the field is also in need of qualified software engineers. In most cases, these positions involve creating or managing applications for 3D data and image processing 

Salary Range and Career Path for Engineers in GIS and Geospatial Engineering

As the positions vary, so do the salaries. But a position in the field of geospatial engineering starts at no lower than $65,000 and can go up to more than twice that much – and that’s for entry-level positions. The typical salary for a geospatial engineer in the US is around $92,000. And there are good growth and promotional opportunities for geospatial engineers, as well. Entry-level positions can often lead to senior positions and opportunities in project management.

Getting Started

Unlike many positions in geospatial research, to get into the field of geospatial engineering, you don’t necessarily need a university degree in a specific scientific field of study. Instead, technological knowledge is preferred. And knowledge and/or experience with GIS is a must.

GIS (Geographical Information Systems)

While we touched on GIS in the section on research and engineering, it is so important to the field of geospace (and such a rich provider of job opportunities) that it deserves its own section.


GIS is a technological field that uses spatial mapping and virtual image processing to gather and interpret data. Its applications are widespread and continue to grow: from urban planning, space exploration, improved telecommunications, and tracking weather patterns to large-scale agriculture and energy. 


One of the most popular or widely known GIS platforms is Google Maps. And though we may use it to get around in our day-to-day lives, Google Maps also plays a role in the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Requirements and Career Trajectory

People working in GIS have a strong academic background (though, in the vast majority of cases, no other degree beyond a bachelor’s is required). GIS professionals generally have a background in cartography, geology or earth sciences, computer science, or urban planning.


Regardless of what field of study your academic background is in, it should at least be complemented with some form of study of cartography and computer science.  


A GIS job will be software specific, though once you learn how to use one software system, learning another should be quite easy. The GIS Lounge is a good place to find out about the different types of software packages on the market and how to go about learning them. For most positions in GIS analytics, some competence in computer programming is required, and Python is the most widely-used language in GIS.

Project Management

Generally regarded as an upper-level position in the field of geospatial engineering, a position as project manager comes with a heavy responsibility – and an attractive compensation package to go with it. Though it takes many years in the field (generally at least 10) and the effort to develop a reputation as being responsible and trustworthy, for the right candidate with strong project management skills, the payoff can definitely be worth the trouble.


Profile of The Ideal Candidate

More often than not, a project manager in the field of geospatial engineering starts as a GIS analyst, researcher, analyst, or surveying engineer. He or she has technological expertise (notably with GIS and big-data systems).


He or she has the following skills and/or attributes:


  • A creative problem solver with a keen sense to anticipate and prevent potential problems
  • The ability to identify technical requirements as well as the necessary workforce and time it will take to complete a project
  • Excellent communication skills (written and oral) to transmit goals and strategies to the team, upper management, and/or the client
  • Excellent ability to prioritize tasks and allocate resources
  • Drafting proposals and mapping out strategies, timetables, and budgets
  • Knowledge of applicable safety and environmental protocols
  • Knowledge transfer (creating fluid connections from process to process and team to team)

Salary Expectations

The salary of a geospatial engineering project manager will depend on the years of experience required and the applications of the project. But it is rare to find a position as a project manager that starts at under $90,000, and in most cases, the salary starts at upwards of $110,000.


For some dynamic and growing fields, the sky’s the limit. But in the field of geospace and GIS, we go even beyond that lofty (pun intended) projection. The added benefit of working in the field of geospatial engineering or research lies in the diversity of its applications. Geospatial engineering and research is integral to fields such as climate, energy, urban planning, agriculture, and even within the military.

Marketing & Advertising

What is Geofencing? Best Guide To Using Geofencing In 2023

It’s high time we took another look at Geofencing. The technology has been a powerful way to reach consumers in the best moment in the right locations. But how have the capabilities changed, and how can marketers best use the technology as we move into a new decade?


What is Geofencing?

Geofence marketing is a form of location-based marketing where a geographic boundary is placed around a point of interest. When a mobile device enters this area, the geofence can trigger several different events. These triggers are usually the delivery of some kind of advertising. Historically this has been via SMS marketing, but increasingly this process has developed to include push notifications and even fit seamlessly into the programmatic advertising stack.


A definition of geofencing in 2023

Geofencing is a technology that has been around for a while. It is always developing, and marketers are finding intuitive new ways to use it effectively.

Geofencing is useful for instant location-based advertising. But its use can move beyond this simple moment marketing. Geofencing can be used to identify and build large addressable audiences over time. As we’ll see, it can even have a role in retargeting, attribution, and other location-based insights.


How does geofencing work?

Geofencing mostly consists of the following steps:

  • Identify a geographical radius around a real-world location.
  • Set up a geofence (virtual barrier) around the location.
  • When a device enters or exits, an event can be triggered.


What are the limitations of geofencing in marketing and advertising? (What you can’t do)

Not all geofencing technology is perfect. Sometimes a device registers inside a geofence when, in fact, it isn’t. Other times the geofence is set around a store, but in busy cities and other hard to measure locations, sometimes this means that devices are falsely attributed to the physical location.

These issues mean that geofencing has to be accurate. To provide maximum value to consumers, ads have to be relevant. Directly sending everyone that walks past a store, a message isn’t a viable option.

At Tamoco, we are obsessed with accuracy. We want our customers to be sure that a device is being targeted because it actually visited a location. So we build a solution that understands more than a single data point when calculating if a device is inside a POI or geofence.

Geofencing also has potential scalability issues. Being so highly targeted and in the moment means that the addressable audience in a geofence campaign might be quite small.

A geofencing campaign might work across McDonald’s stores, for example, but this is because there are a significant number of them. When dealing with smaller campaigns, the reliance on your own audience might not be enough.

For this reason, it might be better to target a type of consumer or build a segment over time that consists of visits.


What you can do with (better) geofencing

Simple geofencing push is no longer as powerful as it used to be. With better accuracy and a slightly different approach, you can still use location to achieve convincing results. Let’s see how.


Marketing and advertising


Geofencing has traditionally been used to target devices as they enter a geofence. The brand would place a radius around its stores, for example. When a device using their app entered these areas, they would be sent a message encouraging them to visit the retail location.

As we’ve already mentioned, this isn’t always accurate in practice. Larger geofences are likely to include devices that aren’t nearby or not inside a competitor store. This can render the advertising message irrelevant.

Another potential issue with geofence targeting is the lack of audience scale. If you are using the technology with your own application, a large audience is required to send messages on the scale needed to shift the needle.

Better geodata means that you can look at device across how it behaves over time. In the moment targeting is effective, but building up a detailed profile and using this to build segments provides you with more reach and better accuracy.

Using location data for geotargeting means that you can target more devices outside of your first-party audience. You can read more about location data for targeting here.


Measurement geofences

Another benefit of using location-based targeting is the ability to measure the effect of location-based marketing or geofencing campaigns. For example, if you target devices based on their proximity to a location, how do you know if they performed the desired goal, especially if this is in the real world.

Using location data to target means that the same technology can be used to confirm if devices visit a retail location after being delivered any kind of advertising. Better accuracy means that you can be certain of a venue visit, rather than just a person walking nearby.

So using accurate POI geofences or polygons can help you to attribute your advertising campaigns. This extends beyond your geofencing campaigns to include your digital advertising, out oh home campaigns, and much more.


The future of geofencing marketing

Geofencing marketing v location targeting

Geofencing in marketing can still be an effective way to reach consumers in the best possible moment. But for brands that want to identify larger groups of relevant consumers, this isn’t always the best solution.

Instead, location-based audience segments offer the best of both worlds. These segments are still based on real-world locations and therefore carry real-world intent. They are scalable because these segments can be built over a longer time period.

Another benefit of these types of campaigns is that you can activate segments directly in your marketing channels.

This means that you don’t need to rely on push in apps. You can use the entire programmatic marketing stack to target users wherever they are.


About Tamoco’s location segments

Our segments provide more scale for marketers looking to do better location targeting. Our first-party data focuses on accuracy, allowing marketers to do more precise geographical based campaigns.

Activate location-based segments today.


7 Methods to Ensure New Employees Are Productive

It is hard to imagine a company reaching good results if its employees are not productive. Someone who is new might have all kinds of ideas and enough motivation to overperform in the first few weeks, but burnouts are common.


The challenge of overcoming lackluster productivity is one that many companies face. The purpose of this article is to cover the methods that improve one’s productivity and ensure that it stays.


Leave Positive Impressions


During the onboarding process, a company should present itself in a way that leaves a positive impression on the new employees.


Of course, whenever someone looks for a new job, it is common to research potential employers. However, it is one thing to look up details online and have an actual experience interacting with your supervisors and coworkers.


The more effort HR puts into welcoming new recruits, the higher the odds of these employees putting effort into their work. Little details count, so do not discard even those things that might seem insignificant during onboarding.


Provide Optimal Work Tools


If the employer is in charge of providing work tools, it should be given that new employees should get what they need.


For example, if your new recruit needs a computer for work, make sure that they get one that works optimally. Dealing with a slow computer, in addition to all the work, puts unnecessary stress and hinders one’s productivity by a lot.


Besides a computer, new employees should also have access to collaboration tools, such as cloud storage (Dropbox, iCloud) and instant messaging platforms (Slack). 


Finally, if the work is done in-house, then the internet connection in the office should be strong enough to accommodate everyone, including new recruits.


Offer Opportunities to Learn


Fresh employees should have enough competence to do their job, but it does not mean that their career ceilings should stop.


One of the biggest motivators is the knowledge that you have an opportunity to go up the corporate ladder. And for that, one needs to become better at what they do while also gaining new skills.


If direct work does not provide enough opportunities to grow as a professional, it is common to seek extra training.


Employers who provide training to their employees encourage loyalty and motivate top talent to stay while also helping them with productivity.


Set Enough Time to Take Breaks


Break policy can be tricky. Usually, a lunch break lasts for about one hour. However, depending on the intensity of work, setting extra time aside to let employees rest is a worthwhile consideration.


Crunch time is inevitable now and then, but overworking employees constantly is bound to burn them out sooner rather than later.


A company-wide policy should be in place to ensure that everyone has enough time to take a breather. And if someone requires additional break time, they should get it as well, so long as the demands are reasonable.


Encourage Friendly Competition


A little bit of friendly competition can go a long way in boosting productivity. Let’s say that your company specializes in sales. 


What about coming up with an award for the employee who makes the most sales in a week? Knowing that there is something extra for the effort put into the work is bound to motivate employees to do their best.


Note, though, that this method should be used sparingly. You cannot run competitions throughout the year because they will lose value and transform into a nuisance, forcing employees to put in extra work consistently in addition to what they are already doing.


Come Up With Realistic Goals


Set realistic goals for employees so that they do not fall short. If they meet the expectations or even exceed them, it will work as a great form of motivation.


Workers who meet the goals identify themselves as someone who do a good job and are more likely to continue. Combine that with praise from supervisors, and you have another solid solution to solve productivity problems.


Minimize Distractions


Everyone loves to procrastinate, but building bad habits, such as checking social media constantly or talking to colleagues about random things when you should be working, is the opposite of what a productive workplace should look like.


Introducing policies that restrict distractions might seem like a negative thing, but if productivity is a priority, then such a step is more or less inevitable. Especially for those employees who get easily distracted and take a while to refocus on their work.




As you can see, there are quite a few different ways to increase the productivity of your new employees. Try to apply as many different methods mentioned in this article as you can. 


Finally, note that different people react differently. If a specific approach does not help someone, do not get discouraged. Instead, try to modify a method to make it work when possible.


Why Is Paraphrasing Important in College Papers?

Every essay, term paper, lab report, book review, or any other piece of academic writing has various purposes and demands. The purposes are always different, but the demands are pretty much the same. One of them is to paraphrase the words and findings of other students, writers, scientists, researchers, and other people. Not all people understand why is paraphrasing important.

Let’s start by checking its definition. What is paraphrasing, and what purposes it serves? Paraphrasing is an essential process when the author of a definite piece of writing or study reworks the words of other experts whose words and findings he/she uses in his/her project. This is no direct citation. You retell the citation in your own words, substituting the part of the original phrase.

Why is paraphrasing important, and why do you need to use it? No writer or researcher has the right to use the words of others as if they are his or her own. If you disclose a definite topic and use the findings of other experts, you need to use either a direct citation or paraphrase it. Otherwise, you plagiarize your own work. Thus, its relevance is lost entirely. No one will accept it because you have stolen the work of someone else.

How to Avoid Plagiarism?

What is paraphrasing? We have just revealed its essence and purpose. Now, we need to focus on another vital point. How can an ordinary student avoid plagiarism? One of the possible solutions has been offered.

You can paraphrase the citation. Another solution is to use a direct citation. When you do that, you ought to be very cautious. There are various academic writing formats. You must follow their guidelines to insert the desired citation according to the official rules. Otherwise, you make a mistake. There are such formats as:

  • MLA;
  • APA;
  • AMA;
  • Chicago;
  • Turabian;
  • Vancouver;
  • Harvard;
  • ASA and others.


Each format has a lot of differences. You need to know them all to be sure you follow the rules and do not mess them up with another format because there are many similarities as well. You may need to read and memorize Telecommunications Study Guide or similar guides. A lot depends on the industry you write in.

One more good solution is to use special plagiarism checkers. These are smart machines that spot any trace of non-unique content. How do they work? Check the following essentials:

  • Open the checking app you have decided to use.
  • Copy and paste your text into it.
  • Press “start” to make things run.
  • Wait for several seconds or minutes. The machine will compare your text with other ones available on the Internet.
  • Check the results. Any sign of plagiarism will be somehow underlined by the machine.

When you see that you have plagiarized separate words, phrases, or entire sentences, you already realize what must be reworked. Replace the underlined words with their synonyms. At times, it makes a writer rework the structure of the entire sentence to avoid plagiarism.

You can also refuse to insert any findings of other experts. Notwithstanding, it’s a bad solution. If you cannot prove your theories with already proven facts, your project loses its scientific value.

Use Professional Aid

The importance of paraphrasing is clear to every attentive student. Yet, it may be hard to deal with plagiarism, even if you spot it. You may change words and the structure of your sentences many times but it may not work. Such issues happen sometimes. If you don’t want to spend 1-2 hours doing that, turn for help to professionals.

The Internet is full of custom writing sites. They offer a wide range of academic features, including paraphrasing and citing. Let an expert look at the matter. He or she will quickly make it 100% unique.

Final Thoughts for Our Readers

The importance of paraphrasing is enormous because it helps you to avoid plagiarism of any sort. Use the tips we have offered in our guide to make things correctly and never plagiarize anyone else. In case you still need help with this task, turn to AdvancedWriters or any other custom writing agency. Its skilled editors surely know how to avoid plagiarism and paraphrasing is a simple task for them.



GeoSpock & Tamoco partner to scale location data insights

A new partnership is bringing together powerful data visualisation and data-driven business intelligence to give companies an unprecedented understanding into the offline world.

GeoSpock’s extensive and unique toolset processes data at speed and scale. This enables clients to understand in the moment how customers behave and interact with their businesses. Tamoco’s powerful data provides insights that link online to offline, with GeoSpock’s platform packaging these insights into tangible and actionable visualisations.

The partnership will provide a solution that allows clients to make faster, data-driven decisions about how consumers move and behave in the real-world, which is often an unknown for businesses. GeoSpock provides a platform that can process Tamoco’s location data and help businesses act on this in real-time.

This solution carries huge potential across multiple disciplines – from the marketing and advertising space, through to supply chain efficiency, city planning, finance, and business intelligence. Connecting and visualising the link between the online and offline worlds will provide clients with a powerful toolkit to place data at the centre of the decision making process.

Through the use of GeoSpock’s product suite, Tamoco’s data will feed into infin8™ – the extreme-scale indexing engine – and illumin8™ ­­­­­– the visualisation and analytics tool, which extracts incomparable geospatial insight from data in less than a second.

GeoSpock is fast establishing itself as the de facto processing engine that can provide insights in a tangible way for businesses that require data to fuel their operations. The partnership, therefore, demonstrates Tamoco’s increasing commitment to sourcing precise, sensor-driven mobile location data. Together with its fast-growing user base of over 100 million users, Tamoco is demonstrating the every-day applications for location data.

Partnerships such as this create cases for real-world, global scenarios, which can be scaled to meet evolving business needs – this includes working with companies looking to derive meaningful insight from extreme data across the smart city, automotive, retail, media, telecoms, and mobility sectors.

Rune Bromer, CEO at Tamoco, comments: “This partnership shows that the demand for accurate, sensor-driven location data is growing. With this rise in demand, businesses need a solution that can help them to act on the intelligence that location data can provide. GeoSpock is a company clearly leading in its field and provides our clients with a powerful tool to help visualise and learn what affects businesses in both the online and offline worlds.

Richard Baker, CEO at GeoSpock, comments: “As the world’s largest proximity network, Tamoco is a company with its finger on the pulse of innovation and we are delighted to be working with them. Its sensor-driven data sets have helped businesses build better products. This is extremely impressive and its focus on data privacy aligns with GeoSpock’s own values. We look forward to helping Tamoco to further its success in the mobile intelligence industry through the use of GeoSpock’s full analytics toolset.

About Tamoco

Tamoco makes accurate and secure data accessible for all. Their global network provides businesses, organisations, brands, and developers access to the leading source of precise, real-time location data and enable businesses to build better products, understand audiences, and make better business decisions through the use of powerful mobile device data. For more information:

About GeoSpock

GeoSpock® provides analytics, builds insight, and enables prediction across space and time. Their proprietary data integration platform visualises extreme amounts of contextual data in milliseconds. Its architecture has the ability to analyse trillions of geospatial and temporal data points in sub-second response time with its high performance, cloud-based services  infin8™, illumin8™, and extrapol8™.

Conceived by Dr Steve Marsh while reading for his PhD in Computer Science at Cambridge University and founded as a business in 2013, GeoSpock is the future of big data management, providing extreme-scale, high volume-ingest, ease of use, and interactive results.


Why You Need to Monitor Your Spending to Control Your Finances

We all want to be in control of our finances, but it’s easy for spending to get out of hand if you don’t keep track. Monitoring your expenditures is essential to managing and controlling your money, as it can help you identify areas where you’re either overspending or underspending. With careful tracking and budgeting, you can plan financially and ensure that you have enough funds available when needed. In this post, we’ll look at why monitoring your spending is vital for keeping your finances on the right track.


Avoid Overspending

Many businesses and shops use marketing tactics to make you believe that you need something more than what you do. It’s easy to fall into the trap of buying things on impulse or out of boredom. Spend management helps you be disciplined and think twice before making purchases. With procurement, it is essential to monitor the spending of each department within an organization so that there can be clear transparency in where money is being spent and how it should be allocated.


Better Budgeting

By keeping track of all your expenses, you can better adjust your budget to account for everything you need. You can also use spending tracking to set and maintain realistic goals for yourself – such as saving a certain amount of money each month or sticking to only making necessary purchases. This will help you stay on top of your finances and create a more secure financial future.

The ability to track your spending also allows you to identify and focus on areas where you may be overspending or underspending. By understanding your financial habits, you can better adjust your budget to account for all of the necessities in life, like food, housing, and transportation.



With a plan or monitoring system, it’s easier to remember your financial goals and end up overspending. Monitoring your expenses gives you the accountability you need to stay on track with your budget. It also allows you to set limits for yourself so that you don’t make impulse purchases that could strain your finances.

Additionally, tracking your spending can help you identify areas where you underspend. This allows you to make changes or adjustments for your money to stretch further and allow for more financial freedom.


Monitor Your Financial Progress

By monitoring your spending, you can identify patterns in how you use money and get a clear picture of your overall financial health. This will provide valuable insight into how well you manage your finances and where you may need adjustments or changes. With this information, it becomes easier to set realistic goals and be proactive about achieving them.

Data about your finances is also useful if you ever need to apply for a loan, credit card, or other financial product. Financial institutions often require detailed spending data before they approve applications.


Improved Financial Security

Financial security is the ultimate goal for many people. Monitoring spending is essential for ensuring that you are on the right track to achieving a secure financial future. Keeping an eye on where your money is going will be easier to identify any areas where you may need to cut back to save more. This can help put you in a better position when it comes time for retirement or any other significant investments you wish to make.

Monitoring your spending is vital to stay on top of your finances and create a secure financial future. Spend management can help you better adjust your budget and identify areas where you may need to be spending more or less. It also provides valuable insight into your financial progress and allows you to set realistic goals for yourself. With these tools, you can ensure that your finances remain secure.


Marketing Analytics: Everything you need to learn in 2023

Have you ever tried cooking in the dark? Most of you would be shaking your heads — of course not! It is careless and totally unnecessary! Over 60% of organizations don’t give a thought to marketing analytics when they are planning marketing strategies! Just like cooking in the dark, planning an expensive marketing strategy and ignoring valuable marketing data is reckless. In this compact yet comprehensive article, we will help you figure out how you can use marketing analytics to your advantage. 

 Here’s and make your business boom!


What is Marketing Analytics

As hard as it sounds, analytics is pretty simple – you measure, manage, and analyze the marketing strategies you have put into play. Doing this not only improves the effectiveness of the techniques but also lets you visualize the trends and customer insights. You can see how your marketing efforts are generating revenue for you. You can monitor all the marketing campaigns — this will help you manage your financial resources in a better way! 

You need to research and understand the market trends to see why some of your campaigns are doing great while others are badly failing. When you analyze a few examples, you will clearly start to see the bigger marketing picture. There are various marketing tools available online that are effective when it comes to putting data analytics to use. 

Let’s take a look at a few examples to brush up on your marketing education!

  • Event-Based Tools

Commonly known as click analysis, these kinds of tools focus on the things that matter the most when it comes to your business. For instance, if you own a marketing education website that provides research papers to a student preparing for his MBA exams, the number of downloads for particular essays will be a point to monitor. For example, if a student visits a website when shopping essay actual topics before exams, he will most often search through the list of authors available before hiring a writer.

The number of clicks on each writer’s profile will tell you how beneficial the student essays are for your website. Similarly, if you have an e-commerce website, the cart of your online shopping mall will be a point to focus on. These tools allow you to track the user’s actions while they are scrolling through your site. There are various event-based tools that you can use, such as MixPanel, Heap Analytics, Oribi, and KissMetrics.

  • Customer Surveys

Want to know what your customers are thinking without doing a lot of research? Customer surveys are your best friend. You can ask them different questions by going through the examples of your marketing campaigns and gain an idea of how the strategies are faring with the customers. For example, if you publish books and essays, a customer survey will help. You can ask the students what books they read, what exams they are preparing for, how their campus life is, and whether they prefer paper or e-books.

 It will give you an idea of what kind of books a typical student reads on campus so that you can update your inventory accordingly. At the end of the surveys and exams, you can offer them a campus discount or a freebie as a bonus! 

  • Testing Tools

With the help of testing tools, you can test multiple message variants and features and see how people respond to them. Testing allows you to collect real-time analytical data — you can’t keep on working using assumed data all the time! You can use features such as in-app notifications, push notifications, etc., to connect with your users. From Optimizely to VWO, you can find a multitude of such testing tools online and see which one fits your needs perfectly. 

  • Visual Behavior Tools

Need a feature that lets you monitor how much time a customer spends on your website and see what he is looking at? In come the visual behavior tools! With the help of cursor movement, the tools let you figure out what the user looked at the most. You can use this data to rearrange your user interface and bring a positive change to your website. You can use Hotjar and Crazyegg to create a visual analysis paper and a lot more. 

Final Word

To make sure all your hard work is paying off, you need to brush up on your marketing education. Hopefully, this article on how to learn marketing analytics has provided you with a crash course in giving your business a much-needed nudge in the right direction. 

Here’s to your successful business!