
How geospatial data helps you build your server infrastructure

Location is one of the essential components that make up any hosting offer. Choosing the right location can contribute to various aspects of your website’s optimal operation. Today we want to analyze exactly in which ways, and how the geospatial data can be helpful in this task.

The importance of server location

When you browse the internet, you might have always had the impression that the websites you visualize pop up just from nowhere. That they are contained somewhere within the vast network of cables but without a concrete localization, with no option to answer exactly where a website is located. However, the case is just the opposite: every website can be traced back to a particular server upon which it is hosted, and every server is housed at a particular data center which is in turn located at some particular place. And the choice of this place is not occasional.

A website is located at a physical place and it has to cover a physical distance which requires a physical amount of time. The more distance, the more time. This time interval is referred to as latency and what we do when we organize our server infrastructure is to minimize the latency for everybody who is likely to access our website. In other words, make so that the server is as close as possible to all parts of your target audience.

Benefits of the right location

Benefits of the right location are presented by:

  • Customer contentment: Nothing is as annoying as a page that loads hundreds of years. When encountering such a website, you are likely to leave the website for good and look for another one. On the contrary, a site that loads smoothly and in no time is likely to leave a very positive impression if the rest of the aspects are fine. The more your visitors are satisfied after visiting your website, the more the probability that they stick, which results in more customers and more revenues.
  • SEO rankings: The other and less direct side of your website’s promotions relies heavily on the former more direct aspect. Indeed, page load speed is one of the criteria that are posed by search engines. The better page load speed you can offer, the better chances you have. Another point why location positively contributes to your site’s search engine optimization is that search engines also have the inclination to show in the first place the sites that are hosted physically closer to a particular visitor. Since it’s easier to get various services as long as their head office is located not far from you, the logic behind this is also pretty clear.

Choosing the proper location

To choose the proper location you have to make up your mind about where your target audience is to be. If your products target a particular country, then you just have to opt for the location that is directly in that country or in the next closest country to this region.

If you are not sure so far, in which country your target audience is to be located, you should apply a series of approaches and market research to figure out where your services will be most in demand. In this case, you’ll require the geospatial data related to the search request and choose your location based on it. If your target audience cannot be limited to a single country or a particular dense geographical region, what can help you is a Content Distribution Network


Content Distribution (and Delivery) Network abbreviated as CDN is an auxiliary service related to hosting that makes your website accessible to a more geographically distributed audience. A CDN is a network of interconnected servers that help deliver content to more remote visitors of your website omitting latency. This is achieved through caching. Some parts or just the whole content of your website is cached that is stored on the servers of the CDN, so the users can view it with much less latency. Besides that, a CDN gives a range of additional benefits, like reducing the load on your main server and optimizing the bandwidth consumption.

Gather the geospatial data about where your target audiences are supposed to be and choose a CDN service that can cover it at best.

There are many CDN offers available, some are connected to other services, and some offer just pure CDN. Keep in mind what exactly you want and how much you can afford to pay since offers can vary a lot in terms of services provided and price.


Geospatial data can provide valuable hints on what location will be the best one for your main servers as well as on how to organize your CDN infrastructure. Location is an aspect not to be neglected during the choice of a web hosting solution, so pay close attention to it. We hope that the information provided was helpful, thank you for your time!

Marketing y publicidad

¿Qué es el fraude publicitario? Cómo geolocalización puede detectar el fraude publicitario

La publicidad programática en línea es una industria enorme, de miles de millones de dólares al año. Se espera que el gasto publicitario en este ámbito supere los 300.000 millones de dólares el próximo año. Además, otras formas de publicidad online esperan un crecimiento similar.

La facilidad de la compra programática de anuncios y el gran crecimiento del mercado han provocado un aumento del fraude publicitario que ha infectado el ecosistema publicitario. Algunas estimaciones afirman que en 2019 se desperdiciarán hasta 42.000 millones de dólares debido a los anuncios fraudulentos.

Se han tomado algunas medidas para proteger contra algunos tipos básicos de fraude publicitario. Pero para contrarrestar el fraude más sofisticado, los anunciantes necesitan una solución más sólida para contrarrestar la enorme cantidad de fraude publicitario que existe en el sector.

La localización podría ser esta solución. Comprender la ubicación del dispositivo y el comportamiento histórico puede ayudar a identificar el fraude mejor que otros métodos. En este post, veremos las formas que los anunciantes pueden utilizar geolocalización para reducir el fraude publicitario y limitar el daño de los actores maliciosos en el ecosistema publicitario.

¿Qué es el fraude publicitario?

El fraude publicitario es la práctica de suplantar fraudulentamente las impresiones, los clics, las conversiones u otros KPI de los anuncios en línea para generar ingresos.

Eliminación del fraude publicitario mediante la localización

¿Existe el dispositivo?

El primer paso es identificar si el dispositivo es real y no un emulador. Emular un dispositivo es una forma habitual de falsificar las impresiones y los clics de los anuncios. En algunos casos, los emuladores pueden incluso generar direcciones IP para hacerlas pasar por un dispositivo real.

En este caso, la localización debe ser más precisa; el inventario de anuncios debe combinarse con sensores para verificar que el dispositivo existe.


¿Los anuncios aterrizan donde se pretende?

Supongamos que tiene una campaña en marcha en EE.UU. y que sólo se dirige a dispositivos de ese país. Puede utilizar geolocalización para trazar un mapa de dónde se entregan los anuncios al dispositivo. Si hay una disparidad considerable entre la orientación y la entrega, es muy probable que parte del inventario de su campaña sea fraudulento.

Identificar el inventario fraudulento es esencial, ya que a menudo los dispositivos pueden cambiar o moverse, y la solución de segmentación no los actualiza. Pero otras veces, las audiencias pueden contener un mal inventario, incluyendo deliberadamente dispositivos que no cumplen los criterios. Por ello, siempre hay que examinar cuidadosamente los datos y los proveedores de audiencias.


Contrarrestar el fraude publicitario más inteligente

¿Y qué hay de la eliminación del fraude más inteligente? Algunos defraudadores publicitarios están generando direcciones IP falsas para burlar el control de la ubicación de la IP.

El uso de un potente SDK de localización puede eliminar esto. Un SDK utiliza muchas señales para identificar la ubicación del dispositivo con mayor precisión correctamente. Posteriormente, engañar a un SDK de localización para que registre un clic en una ubicación falsa es mucho más difícil de hacer que un simple truco de IP.


¿Qué pasa con la agricultura de clicks?

En algunos casos, los estafadores pagan a una persona real para que haga clic e interactúe con anuncios específicos en varios lugares diferentes. A veces, estos dispositivos se guardan en un lugar; otras veces, son el dispositivo personal de la persona.

geolocalización asociado a un dispositivo puede utilizarse para ver si el dispositivo se mueve y se comporta como un dispositivo normal. Comprender si un dispositivo permanece en un lugar y combinar esto con otros métodos de detección de fraude, como el tiempo de instalación, puede aumentar drásticamente la identificación del fraude publicitario.


Hacia una versión de la detección del fraude publicitario por localización.

Integrar la localización precisa en su pila de anuncios puede tener un impacto positivo sustancial en su capacidad para detectar el fraude publicitario. Pero el uso de geolocalización de una manera más tradicional también puede ayudar a entender si se están comprando clics y conversiones.

Por ejemplo, la atribución basada en la ubicación es el proceso de medir si un dispositivo expuesto visita finalmente una ubicación física. Esto también puede actuar como una forma de vetar las audiencias y el inventario.

geolocalización tiene muchas y potentes aplicaciones en el ecosistema publicitario. La detección del fraude publicitario es otra aplicación que permite a los anunciantes y a los profesionales del marketing utilizar la localización para reducir el despilfarro de presupuestos e identificar a los socios que puedan estar suministrándoles inventario fraudulento.


Top Factors to Consider When Choosing a College

Like many high school seniors, you must have gone through tons of emails, texts, brochures, and social media posts of different colleges. After all, colleges must attract a massive number of students each term. A college is an important academic institution since it prepares you for university. Herein, you find your calling and choose by choosing a certain profession for life. 

But wait right there! How do you choose the best college? With plenty of online options, finding the right one can be an overwhelming experience. Especially when there’s nobody around to help you, it can be very daunting. Choosing a college is more like taking one step towards knowing yourself more. Here are a few factors to consider when choosing a college:

  • Academic Majors Available

Do you know what you have to study? Do you have a perspective on your future already? If yes, check all the colleges that offer your preferred majors. But if you’re a little unsure, it’s alright! Ensure that a college has a variety of majors being offered. This way, you can explore all the fields and see what fits your long-term goals. 

Don’t succumb to any pressure that is coming from your family. Explore your options and see your path. Keep in mind that students switch their majors very often after the first term. This is because they’ve not understood a subject they chose. Or, they might have explored a better option. 

  • Ubicación

This old-school real estate mantra is still applicable in today’s time. Here’s what you need to follow when looking for your college:

  • Is it an urban or a rural area?
  • How close is the transportation to get home?
  • Is it close to your family?
  • What’s the climate like?

For example, if you are repulsed by high weather, you need to look for a place with an average climate. But if you want the location close to basic amenities, you’ll have to shortlist areas close to shopping centers, eateries, and hospitals. The location should be as such that it is close to every facility, which is important. 

  • Affordable Cost of Attendance

The higher the cost of education, the tougher the implications on your life. So it’s an important factor to choose when you’re looking for the best college. Find out how much tuition fee you’ll be paying to the institution. It’s important that you set a budget. And also don’t forget to compare the rates of the same course being offered by various colleagues. 

This will be an easy way to find a college that fits your needs. Secondly, we recommend you consider all the options available. Don’t let the sticker price of a certain college scare you. It’s always a good idea to ask about financial aid and scholarships. Very often, they will bring the tuition cost to a certain level. Wait until they approve of it, so you can decide on joining this place. 

  • Check For National Accreditation

The easiest way to check this is to follow guide to nationally accredited online colleges. It’s an easy way to rest assured about choosing a college that is recognized by your state. Choose a well-reputed college. Go through the student reviews online. 

They will help you weigh the pros and cons of choosing a college. There are tons of fake colleges online, so beware of them. Choose a college that has all the necessary certifications issued by the state. Don’t suddenly choose a certain college in the pursuit of saving money. 

  • On-Campus Facilities

You’re going to spend more than half of your days at the campus. So it should have all the basic amenities. Your college should feel like a second home. Secondly, if you wish to stay in the hostel, looking for a campus with all the basic facilities will become imperative. Here’s what a college must have:

Dining Halls and Restaurants

What kind of meals are available? Are there any restaurants at the place? Do they provide customized meals? 

Residence Halls

What kind of halls are available? How much do they cost? What does the apartment look like? 

Recreation Opportunities

Do they offer fitness classes? Do they have a gym with state-of-the-art equipment? 


The Most Essential Things To Consider When Traveling To Different American States

Traveling is a learning experience that opens your mind and broadens your thinking capacity. When you visit new places, you can interact with local culture and meet new people. It can help you learn new skills and think from a different perspective.  


However, traveling itself can be tough. You have to manage your finances, ensure safety in the new place, and find a place to sleep and eat. This is easy when you are fully loaded financially. With a limited budget, you have to manage everything perfectly.  


Here is what you should keep in mind while traveling from one state to another. 

Ensure Personal Safety

When you are traveling to different states in America, you should be vigilant about your safety. While most cities are safe for tourists during the day, you should avoid going out alone at night, especially in areas that are dark and empty. 


The major parts of the cities that are great tourist attractions are mostly well-lit and policed. While some parts of the town may not be safe from thieves and burglars. Therefore, when traveling alone, you should consider the safety of your personal belongings and yourself as well. 

Manage Your Budget Wisely

When you are traveling a long distance on your own, budget is your limiting factor. You have to decide your every move by keeping in mind the money you have left. You should plan everything for the trip before starting the trip. You should know that you have enough money to get you back home safely. Start saving up for your trip to give yourself some extra money. You should consider a credit builder credit card to help you during the trip. You can build your credit for some time, and this card can work perfectly fine wherever visa cards are accepted. This way you will not have to carry hard cash with you. 


You can save up on your budget by choosing public transport to travel in the city, instead of renting a car. You can also look for hostels and cheaper hotels for accommodation instead of going to a five-star hotel room. Choose exploration over luxury when you are traveling for fun. 

Have A Travel Insurance

Every traveler should have travel insurance. Travel insurance can cover your loss during traveling. You might need medical attention during the trip. A doctor’s consultation fee can go sky-high. If you are asked to go through a series of medical tests, or you have to take medicines, the medical bills can put a strain on your travel budget. Travel insurance can help you get this money back through the claim. 


Travel insurance policies may also cover the loss of personal belongings during traveling such as passports, laptops, cameras, money, etc. having an insurance policy can help you stabilize your financial situation. 

Beware Of State Laws

When you are traveling to different states of America, you should be familiar with the state laws. The laws are different in different states and may make you a law-breaker with small mistakes. You do not have time and energy to clarify yourself in the courts by breaking any law unintentionally. While you can not learn every law that each state has different from the other, you should know the basics that you may encounter in your daily life.


For example, every state has different sales tax laws. You should know these sales taxes before shopping in different states. Similarly, every state has a different tipping policy. Waiters in the US earn through the tips. Therefore, it is mandatory to leave handsome tips with every meal you get. For example, you may leave a dollar for the bartender every time you get yourself a drink. Similarly, leaving up to 15% of the bill as a tip for the waitress at the coffee shop can help you avoid angry hosts. 

Pack Your Bags Lightly

Every traveler should pack light. Whether you are hitchhiking your trip, going on public transport like a train, bus, or an airplane or you are taking a road trip in your car, make sure you are packed lightly. If you are packed heavily, your luggage might create interference in your otherwise smooth trip. Make sure you have all the valuables such as a camera, laptop, money, and mobile phone in your hand carry.


Pack only a few sets of clothes and a few pairs of your comfiest shoes. Do not forget a hat, sunglasses, and your water bottle. You should have things that you need in your daily routine. However, try not to bring things that can be reused, such as clothes that can be washed. You should keep your important documents such as your passport and money in safe pockets to avoid unforeseen situations in public areas. 



Everything You Need to Know About Life Insurance Payout

There’s no running away from the fact that every day unfolds something new and life is unexpected, so one must be prepared for the worse. This is where life insurance kicks in to save the day. However, our primary focus will be on the life insurance payouts for this feature alone. 

For your information, a life insurance payout is sent to the person’s beneficiary listed on the policy after their death. 

Here, they either receive the payment in installments or put it into an interest-earning account. So if you have been looking for some valuable information on this subject, you have come to the right spot. 

Before we dive deeper into the crux of this discussion, let’s begin with formal instruction on life insurance and how it works. 


What is Life Insurance, and How Does it Work?

Life insurance works like a conventional auto or a home insurance plan in simplest terms. You choose a policy and decide to pay the amount over a certain time. You begin to pay the annual premium in return for a certain coverage amount, which is needed at a certain time. 

But, if you pass away during the policy’s lifetime, your beneficiaries will receive a death benefit, which equates to the coverage amount. The only demarcation between life insurance and the rest of the policies is that they allow you to accumulate the cash value around the policy, which can be used in various ways. 

You need to understand that there are two kinds of life insurance plans:

  • Term Life Insurance

These policies are elaborate since they provide coverage over a long period, which usually ranges between 1 to 30 years. Premiums are similar to policy durations, and your beneficiary will receive the payout if you die during the covered term. 

But, you earn zero cash value with the term life insurance. Not to forget, a payout is provided in case of your death. Thus, making it similar to the other form of life insurance policies. 

  • Whole Life Insurance

This is acknowledged as the most common permanent life insurance plan, which will remain intact with you for life. Assuming that you are hands-on with making the premium payments. Cash value will start building up on your policy while you’re still alive. 

And you get to borrow this amount for personal use and can withdraw funds anytime you want. However, withdrawing funds will have a negative impact on the death benefits, which are provided to the beneficiaries. 


What Are The Life Insurance Payout Options?

Once a person has died, their beneficiaries have to file a claim that will be collected as a death benefit. Most insurance companies will take a few days or even weeks to process the claim form once they have received the deceased’s death certificate. 

However, if a fraud has occurred, the insurance company will stand an absolute chance to take the benefit of the doubt. Once the claim has been approved, the beneficiaries will have a choice on how they receive the death benefit. Here are the most common options for them:

  • Specific Income Payout

In this option, your beneficiaries will be allowed to receive the payout in monthly installments over a certain time. This way, they can rest assured that the amount doesn’t run out anytime sooner. 

For example, if the beneficiary has to receive $30,000 every year over 20 years, the total death benefit will amount to $0.6 million. And the life insurance company will keep the money secured in the interest-earning account, so your taxes will be collected automatically. 

  • Lump-Sum Fixed Amount

Beneficiaries who choose this option are entitled to the entire death benefit in one fine payment. This is a risky option, especially for those who mishandled money a lot. So when looking for how life insurance payout work, you also need to consult a financial expert on managing your funds. 

This will be a good option to take care of the funds received at once. Secondly, a bank account balance will hardly cover around $250,000, so placing the money in different accounts will be essential. 

  • Annuity

Also known as life income payout, this is a grant for the beneficiaries for life. Not to forget, the insurance company will ask for the ages of your beneficiaries when they file the claim. They do this to determine the payment amount that will accumulate at the time of the person’s death. 

Therefore, the death benefit amount, which remains at the end, will go back to the insurance company when the beneficiary has passed away. Thus, making your death payment more flexible and larger than before. 

  • Retained Asset Account

If the insurance company offers this option, the policy proceeds can be stacked in the interest-bearing account. The beneficiary will receive a checkbook in case they need urgent cash. And also, the insurance company will guarantee the proceeds In the account. 

Even if the balance exceeds the typical $250,000 limit, you will still be notified. This way, the beneficiaries can rest assured about receiving the sum on time. 


Cómo el Big Data puede mejorar la cadena de suministro

Los big data se han convertido en el poder que las organizaciones necesitan aprovechar para hacer avanzar su empresa a gran velocidad. Para el año 2020, se calcula que la cantidad de datos disponibles en el mundo será de unos 44 zettabytes. La recopilación de todos estos datos no servirá de nada si no se utiliza a través de los canales adecuados.

Varias organizaciones de todo el mundo están aprovechando el big data para crear mejores modelos de negocio y ejecutar estrategias de desarrollo más rápidas. El big data está desempeñando un papel fundamental en la reducción de los costes operativos mediante el análisis estadístico y predictivo. También en la gestión de la cadena de suministro (SCM) hay muchos datos disponibles. Cuando estos datos se reúnen para crear operaciones significativas, pueden hacer que toda la cadena de suministro sea más viable.

Mientras que algunas organizaciones han identificado lo que el big data podría hacer por sus sistemas de cadena de suministro, hay muchas empresas que aún no han explorado las posibilidades. Estos son algunos de los aspectos más cruciales a través de los cuales el big data puede ayudar a mejorar la SCM.


Esté al tanto de su demanda

El análisis predictivo es una parte importante del uso de los big data. Con una cantidad considerable de datos a su disposición, las empresas pueden evitar las inevitables redundancias en sus operaciones, al tiempo que hacen un uso eficiente de las existencias. El análisis predictivo con big data puede ayudar de muchas maneras.

Las empresas pueden identificar a los minoristas que pueden necesitar algunas existencias antes y a los que tardan más en completar el pedido de existencias. Las empresas pueden analizar sus pedidos y ver si el coste de suministrar las existencias a algunas regiones puede ser demasiado alto de lo que podrían permitirse. Las empresas pueden incluso predecir cuáles de sus clientes fieles pueden cambiarse a sus competidores y cuáles de los clientes de sus competidores están buscando otras opciones.

El análisis predictivo de estos conjuntos de datos puede aportar mucho y permitir a las empresas tomar medidas de precaución y estar preparadas para cualquier posible sorpresa.

One good example of a multinational company using big data for the supply chain is PepsiCo. Replenishing the stocks of retailers is of significant importance for a customer-oriented product supplier like PepsiCo. Therefore, they make use of big data to predict the retailers’ stocks based on the data of the inventory they have, the time needed for the shipment, and the volume required to be shipped. This has helped PepsiCo to ensure that their products are never out of stocks from their retailers’ and at the same time, ensure that there is no high wastage. This has also been applied to retail, where the demand of designer swimsuits is predicted to ensure delivery in peak times.

En definitiva, el análisis predictivo con big data para la cadena de suministro ayuda a las empresas a poner a disposición de las personas adecuadas el volumen correcto de existencias en el momento adecuado.


Tenga el control de sus operaciones

Incluso cuando los factores externos parecen estar fuera de control la mayor parte del tiempo, con el análisis de big data, usted puede tener el control de las operaciones de su cadena de suministro.

Un problema importante al que se enfrentan muchos gestores de la cadena de suministro son los problemas que surgen en el trayecto entre el momento en que el producto sale de su almacén y el momento en que llega a los minoristas. Aquí es donde muchos obstáculos externos pueden afectar a la entrega. Cuando los datos de todas las operaciones de la cadena de suministro se recopilan durante varios años y se actualizan con frecuencia, las empresas pueden evitar y encontrar una forma mejor de garantizar que la cadena de suministro no se vea afectada por estas perturbaciones externas.

Moreover, analysis of big data will also enable companies to find better supply chain routes that are optimal and profitable. Based on the demand, expected revenue, the geoanalytics, and available modes of transportation, the analysis can to create improved and efficient ways of managing the supply chain, reducing cost and decreasing delivery time.


Estar en el camino constante de las innovaciones

La innovación es una parte necesaria de la cadena de suministro, y los big data no se limitan a ayudar a la gestión de la cadena de suministro, sino que también proporcionan nuevas vías para lograr una mayor eficiencia.

Puede identificar nuevos canales de entrega que podrían reducir el coste a la mitad o fusionar los canales de entrega existentes para una mejor optimización. Para que una organización mejore, tiene que estar innovando continuamente, y el big data desempeña un papel importante en estas innovaciones.

Accenture descubrió que la inclusión de big data en sus operaciones de la cadena de suministro condujo a un aumento de 2,6 veces en la eficiencia de su cadena de suministro. Esto consiste en las innovaciones en la SCM a través de múltiples canales.

Una buena parte de conseguir lo mejor de una empresa de big data o de análisis para SCM es innovar a medida que la empresa progresa. Estas ideas innovadoras también pueden ayudar a los gestores de la cadena de suministro a tomar decisiones, tener un mejor control y minimizar sus problemas.

El aprovechamiento de los datos disponibles evita problemas inesperados en la cadena de suministro y agiliza las operaciones de la misma. Las empresas pueden ahorrar una gran cantidad de dinero, reducir el tiempo dedicado a la gestión de la cadena de suministro y seguir ayudando en futuras ampliaciones.



Microsoft Azure for Students: Building Skills for the Future

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers. It provides a range of cloud services, including those for computing, analytics, storage, and networking. Users can pick and choose from these services to develop and scale new applications or run existing applications in the public cloud. Azure is commonly used as a platform for hosting and deploying applications, particularly in the context of serverless computing. Azure is out here revolutionizing the way we learn, and we’re all for it!

But before we dive deep into that, let’s talk about something equally important for students – paper writing. Yes, we know it can be the bane of your existence. All those late nights, the frantic last-minute scrambling, and, let’s not even get started on the anxiety of grades. This is where a professional service can be a lifesaver. Particularly for those in the challenging field of healthcare, a paper writing helper can help tackle those daunting essays and research papers, giving you more time to focus on honing your future-ready skills.


Okay, But Why Should Students Even Bother?

“Wait a minute,” you might ask, “Why should I, a student, care about a business tool?” Well, we’ve got three compelling reasons that might just make you rethink:

  1. Job Market Realness. Calling all future tech wizards! Cloud computing is the talk of the town, and the tech world just can’t get enough of it. And guess what? Azure is a big player in this game. If you’re dreaming of a tech career, having Azure in your skillset might just make your resume the star of the show.
  2. Freebies! Yes, you heard that right! Who doesn’t love free stuff, right? Azure is out here offering free services for students. So, you can experiment, learn, and grow without worrying about your wallet. That’s what we call a win-win!
  3. Practical Magic. Azure isn’t just about burying your head in books and theory; it’s about rolling up your sleeves and getting down to business. With Azure, you learn practical skills to solve real-world problems. From coding to machine learning, it’s like a digital tool kit for the modern world.

What’s In It For Me? The Student Edition

So, you’re intrigued by Azure. We like that! But what exactly does it offer you as a student? Here’s the scoop:

  • Education Central. Think of Azure as your digital library filled to the brim with rich learning resources. It’s got everything from in-depth courses that take you on a deep dive into the world of Azure to handy ‘how-to’ guides that help you navigate this new terrain.
  • Hands-on Labs. Azure’s interactive labs are like your playground for learning. It’s a place where you can experiment, make mistakes, learn some lessons, and grow. Because let’s face it, the best lessons often come from our biggest blunders!
  • Certifiable Genius. Feeling confident about your Azure skills? Why not show them off? Azure offers certifications that you can earn to prove your mettle. And trust us; employers will be all over you like bees on honey.

Future-Proofing Your Skillset

But let’s dig a little deeper. What skills can you learn? Here’s a detailed rundown:

Cloud Basics

Ever wondered how all your favorite apps store and manage their data? Well, it’s all thanks to cloud computing. With Azure, you’ll get down with the nitty-gritty of cloud computing, understanding the types of cloud services and how they drive business success.

Data Science & AI

Data is the new gold, and Azure is your pickaxe. With Azure, you can learn how to harness the power of data for decision-making and crafting AI solutions. And trust us, it’s as cool as it sounds.

Software Development

Ever dreamed of creating your app or maybe even a game? Azure can make those dreams come true. You’ll get your hands dirty with coding, app development, and even game development. We’re talking major bragging rights here.


Azure also gives you a peek behind the curtain of the software world with its DevOps services. You’ll learn how software development and IT operations join forces to deliver continuous, high-quality results.


How Can You Rock Your New Skills?

So you’ve done it – you’ve climbed the Azure mountain, and you’ve got this amazing toolbox of skills. What’s next on the agenda? Where’s the party at? This is where the fireworks start. You get to put your new skills to good use. Here’s the lowdown:

  • School Swag: Ready to take your school projects from meh to epic? With Azure, your academic research is going to hit new heights. Handle huge data like a pro, simulate to your heart’s content, and drop some jaws in your next presentation. Profs won’t know what hit ’em!
  • Start-Up Spirit: So you’ve got an idea that could be the next Uber or Airbnb? Well, guess what? Azure has your back. Its massive infrastructure can help turn your brainchild into reality. Who knows, you might even end up being the next big tech maverick!
  • Internships & Jobs: Picture this: recruiters tripping over themselves to interview you. Sounds good, right? Well, that’s the power of having Azure skills on your resume. Your foot’s already in the door in the tech world.

Strutting into the Future

Azure isn’t just another item on your CV; it’s your ticket to a future where you’re the boss. The tech scene is shifting faster than quicksand, and with Azure, you’ve got your boots strapped on and you’re ready to sprint. So, fellow students, it’s time to lace up, take the plunge into Azure, and start scaling up. The tech world is watching with bated breath, and it’s ready to cheer you on!

Before You Take the Plunge

Before you dive headfirst into the Azure pool, let’s hit you with a few golden rules to get you swimming smoothly:

  • Explore! Azure is like Disneyland for tech heads. Take your sweet time, try out different rides (read: services), and find your happy place.
  • Practice! Books are great, but there’s nothing like getting your hands dirty. Dive deep into practical skills – that’s what sets you apart from the crowd.
  • Network! Find your tribe online among fellow Azure explorers. You’d be surprised how much you can pick up from each other.
  • Stay Curious! The only constant in tech is changing. Keep learning, stay hungry, and don’t shy away from new experiences.

Wrap It Up

Microsoft Azure for students ain’t just another app on your phone. Nope, it’s like a power-up in a video game, turbo-charging you straight into the future. Wanna create an app that’s hotter than TikTok? How about setting up a tech empire that makes Zuckerberg nervous? Or maybe you just wanna learn some crazy cool stuff? Well, Azure’s got your back on all fronts.

“But hold up,” I hear you say, “what about all those monstrous research papers I need to write?” Well, here’s where the superheroes of the essay world swoop in – the best research paper writing services. Imagine, while you’re out there flexing your new Azure muscles and being all kinds of awesome, these maestros are busy tackling those paper beasts for you.

So, what’s the hold-up? Time to take a leap into the Azure universe and let it propel you into an epic adventure. Opportunities are knocking, peeps! Time to grab them and rock on!


12 Education Marketing Trends to Keep an Eye on in 2023

The realm of education marketing is in a constant state of evolution, with new trends and technologies continuously reshaping the landscape. In a world where students are increasingly tech-savvy and digitally connected, education institutions must keep up with the latest marketing trends to effectively reach and engage their target audience. 


The rise of digital technology has opened new avenues for communication, from personalized emails to AI-powered chatbots that can answer a student’s plea to “who can write my term paper.” In this article, we will explore seven education marketing trends that are expected to dominate in 2023, from the use of video content to enhanced website user experiences and the rise of AI. 


As the landscape continues to change, understanding these trends will be key for educational institutions looking to stand out and connect with prospective students in a meaningful and impactful way.


Personalization in Marketing


Personalization has become the cornerstone of effective marketing, and the education sector is no exception. From personalized emails to targeted advertisements, schools, and universities are using data-driven insights to tailor their marketing efforts to prospective students. This trend is expected to continue in 2023, with an increasing number of educational institutions leveraging AI and machine learning to deliver personalized marketing messages.


Increased Use of Video Content


Video content is an effective tool for education marketing, capable of conveying a large amount of information in an engaging manner. Schools and universities are increasingly using video tours, student testimonials, and educational content as part of their marketing strategies. The year 2023 will see the proliferation of video content in education marketing, with an increased emphasis on live video sessions and interactive video content.


Social Media Engagement


Social media has emerged as a critical platform for education marketing. It allows schools and universities to engage directly with prospective students and their parents. The trend of using social media for education marketing will continue to grow in 2023, with an increased focus on platforms like Instagram and TikTok that are popular among younger audiences.


Enhanced Website User Experience


An educational institution’s website is often the first point of contact for prospective students. As a result, institutions are investing in enhancing the user experience of their websites. This includes intuitive navigation, mobile-friendly design, high-quality content, and easy-to-use application portals. In 2023, we can expect to see continued emphasis on website user experience in education marketing.


Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing education marketing. AI-powered chatbots, in particular, are increasingly being used to engage with prospective students, answer their queries, and guide them through the application process. This trend is likely to intensify in 2023, with more educational institutions adopting AI and chatbot technology in their marketing efforts.


  1. Focus on Lifelong Learning


With the increasing pace of technological change, there is a growing demand for lifelong learning opportunities. Educational institutions are responding to this demand by offering more flexible and accessible learning options, such as online courses and professional development programs. In 2023, marketing these lifelong learning opportunities will become a key focus for educational institutions.


Data-Driven Decision Making


Data is playing an increasingly important role in education marketing. Schools and universities are using data analytics to understand prospective students’ behavior, track marketing campaign performance, and make informed decisions. The use of data in education marketing will continue to grow in 2023, with institutions leveraging advanced analytics tools to drive their marketing strategies.


Rise of Influencer Marketing


Influencer marketing has proven to be effective in various sectors, and education is no exception. Educational institutions are increasingly collaborating with influencers, especially those who appeal to young audiences, to showcase their offerings and reach prospective students. This trend of using popular online figures to influence prospective students’ decisions is expected to grow in 2023.


Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences


As VR and AR technologies become more accessible, their use in education marketing is expanding. Virtual tours of campuses, AR-enhanced prospectuses, and VR class experiences are just a few ways these technologies are being utilized. These immersive experiences offer prospective students a unique insight into an institution and its offerings, making them a strong marketing tool.


Emphasis on Sustainability 


Sustainability is a growing concern among students and parents, and educational institutions are responding to this by promoting their sustainability initiatives. Whether it’s sustainable campuses, green programs, or research in sustainability, showcasing these efforts has become a key part of education marketing. This trend is expected to continue growing in 2023 as students increasingly consider an institution’s commitment to sustainability in their decision-making process.


Mobile-First Marketing


With the ubiquitous use of smartphones, educational institutions are adopting a mobile-first approach to their marketing efforts. This means optimizing all content, from websites to emails, for mobile viewing. The use of mobile apps for marketing is also on the rise. As more and more prospective students use their mobile devices for information gathering, this trend is expected to dominate in 2023.


Podcasts and Audio Content


The popularity of podcasts and audio content has been steadily increasing, and education marketers are taking note. Universities and schools are producing podcasts to share knowledge, discuss campus life, or delve into subjects related to their programs. They are even utilizing this format to guide students to the best paper writing services available. This format allows institutions to engage with prospective students in a more personal and in-depth manner. In 2023, we can expect to see greater adoption of podcasts and audio content in education marketing.


In conclusion, education marketing is evolving rapidly, driven by advances in technology and changes in student behavior. By keeping an eye on these trends, educational institutions can stay ahead of the curve and effectively reach and engage with prospective students.

Marketing y publicidad

5 formas en las que el Big Data está cambiando el mundo del marketing

Si hay una "bala de plata" para el marketing, serían los datos. 

Los datos son la materia prima que los profesionales del marketing necesitan para dar sentido a las cosas y poder hacer su trabajo con precisión y propósito. Hay un millón de herramientas y plantillas de marketing disponibles en plataformas como Notion, pero esta comprensión es la que permite a los profesionales del marketing entender a sus clientes, basándose en las acciones que realizan, revelando sus intenciones más auténticas.

En una encuesta reciente, el 40% de las marcas tiene previsto ampliar sus presupuestos de marketing basado en datos, mientras que el 88% de los profesionales del marketing utiliza los datos para mejorar su comprensión del cliente. Está claro que los datos se están convirtiendo poco a poco en lo que el oxígeno es para los humanos.

En este artículo, analizaremos cómo los datos están revolucionando el mundo del marketing. Si eres un profesional del marketing, obtendrás algunas ideas sólidas sobre cómo el marketing basado en datos está dando forma al futuro de tu profesión. Así pues, ¡entremos en materia!


Personalización de las campañas de marketing 

Imagínese que le saludan por su nombre de pila nada más visitar un sitio web. O recibir un correo electrónico dirigido a su nombre con una lista de sus productos favoritos. Mejor aún, recibir una notificación sobre el pedido de la compra cada semana con recomendaciones de recetas personalizadas. ¿Ya estás impresionado?

Eso es precisamente lo que le permite hacer el marketing basado en datos. Al recopilar datos fundamentales sobre los clientes en varios puntos de contacto de marketing, como su nombre, sus datos de contacto, lo que les interesa, lo que les gustaría escuchar y a quién quieren escuchar, los responsables de marketing pueden ser estratégicos en todas sus campañas.

Amazon, por ejemplo, utiliza los datos de los clientes para analizar su historial de compras y mostrarles recomendaciones de productos basadas en sus hábitos de compra. Son capaces de mostrar páginas de productos personalizadas para atraer los intereses de los clientes, de modo que sea más probable que compren. Estas páginas de productos personalizadas pueden incluir recomendaciones de productos personalizadas, e incluso precios personalizados para inducir a los clientes a comprar.

Aprovechar los datos de los clientes es excelente tanto para los clientes, que reciben comunicaciones personalizadas, como para los vendedores, que tienen un impacto positivo en los resultados.


Análisis predictivo

El comportamiento histórico de los clientes es una de las mejores formas de predecir cómo se comportarán en el futuro. Por ejemplo, si eres una tienda de comestibles y un cliente siempre se ha preocupado por la salud durante toda su vida, pidiendo barritas de cereales sin azúcar durante los últimos tres años, lo más probable es que siga pidiéndotelas en un futuro próximo.

Cuando las compras de los clientes se vuelven predecibles, las empresas pueden aprovechar esta información "automatizando" sus ventas. Esencialmente, ofrecerían al cliente la posibilidad de "repetir las compras" basándose en la previsibilidad de su comportamiento de compra.

Basándose en el ejemplo de Amazon, han obtenido recientemente una patente sobre un sistema llamado "envío predictivo" para enviar productos a los clientes incluso antes de que los compren. Se trata de un verdadero cambio de juego para Amazon y sus clientes. Amazon puede estabilizar sus ingresos y los clientes adquieren productos sin tener que esforzarse en realizar la compra.

Y con el aumento de las herramientas que pueden ayudar a acceder a los datos públicos, es más fácil decir "qué es el web scraping, y cómo puede esto proporcionar datos que impulsen mi marketing".


Segmentación de clientes

La segmentación de clientes es el acto de "agrupar" a los clientes en grupos para identificar patrones inusuales. Por ejemplo, sus datos pueden revelar que los clientes de una determinada ciudad son más propensos a comprar sus productos que otros. O puede descubrir que los clientes que pertenecen a un grupo demográfico específico compran productos diferentes en comparación con otros grupos de edad.

Herramientas como Tamoco pueden ser extremadamente útiles para reunir geolocalización para ayudarle a segmentar su público objetivo. Por ejemplo, Tamoco recopila información basada en la ubicación para segmentar aún más a su público en función de intereses específicos, cuántas veces han visitado un lugar, preferencias comunes y datos demográficos como la edad, el sexo e incluso la ubicación del hogar y el trabajo.

Estos datos pueden ser oportunidades de oro para que los profesionales del marketing creen campañas audaces que optimicen el retorno de la inversión. Al agrupar a los clientes en grupos específicos, pueden crear campañas de marketing separadas para cada segmento, haciendo que su contenido sea altamente relevante.

Aunque hay varias técnicas que los profesionales del marketing utilizan para segmentar los datos, el objetivo general es identificar cualquier cosa de interés que les ayude a aumentar los ingresos y a cumplir sus objetivos. Con una segmentación eficaz de los clientes, los profesionales del marketing pueden:

  • Identificar quiénes son sus clientes más y menos rentables.
  • Predecir los patrones futuros de los clientes.
  • Mejorar su enfoque de marketing mediante la creación de contenido relevante.
  • Construir relaciones leales.
  • Ponga un precio diferente a los productos.
  • Desarrollar mejores productos basados en los intereses de los clientes.

Inevitablemente, los datos de alta calidad son el precursor de una buena segmentación. Por ello, las empresas deben seguir invirtiendo en la recopilación de datos de alta calidad para que todos los esfuerzos de segmentación sean fructíferos.


Campañas de pago optimizadas

Al recopilar datos sobre los clientes, las plataformas de redes sociales como Facebook y Linkedin permiten a los profesionales del marketing personalizar las campañas publicitarias de pago, a escala. Esto significa que pueden crear campañas publicitarias separadas para grupos específicos de clientes potenciales, para lograr el éxito de las campañas de pago.

Además, el big data permite a los profesionales del marketing realizar campañas de "remarketing". Las campañas de remarketing son anuncios que literalmente "siguen" a sus clientes en línea, dondequiera que naveguen, una vez que han visitado su sitio web.

Perseguir a los clientes en línea con sus anuncios de pago puede ser una estrategia eficaz cuando se ejecuta bien. Según la "regla de los 7" en el marketing, un cliente potencial tiene que estar expuesto a su anuncio un mínimo de 7 veces antes de decidirse a actuar sobre él.

Por eso, algunos profesionales del marketing buscan centrarse en plataformas específicas, como el marketing en LinkedIn.

Aunque el big data permite perseguir a los clientes con anuncios de pago, es importante no hacer que sus clientes se sientan acosados al crear campañas de remarketing. Debes esforzarte por exponer tus anuncios a los clientes espaciando el tiempo de exposición, para que tus anuncios parezcan más naturales, y no parezcan empujados a los clientes potenciales.


El tamaño de su empresa ya no importa

Whether you’re a big business with over 500 employees, or a small business with under five employees making category specific products like an underwire bikini top, software tools make big data easily accessible to all. That’s the beauty of marketing on the internet!

Puede ser igual de eficaz en el marketing sin importar el tamaño de su empresa, porque el éxito en este juego depende de lo bien que utilice los datos en su beneficio. Aunque el tamaño de sus presupuestos de marketing puede influir en el alcance de su éxito, puede lograr un alto grado de precisión en sus campañas de marketing y adquirir clientes rápidamente, con el big data como columna vertebral del marketing.

Herramientas online gratuitas como Google Analytics han hecho posible la recopilación y el análisis de grandes datos en tiempo real. Las pequeñas empresas no tienen que gastar dinero en la compra de herramientas costosas para obtener un conocimiento más profundo de quiénes son sus clientes, ya que Google lo hace fácilmente asequible. Antes de la "era del big data", esto era imposible de hacer.


Para terminar

Los datos masivos hacen que el futuro del marketing sea muy brillante. Con los datos de alta calidad que se recogen en tiempo real, y la disponibilidad de tecnologías como el aprendizaje automático y la IA, el mundo del marketing está preparado para cambios masivos. No es de extrañar que solo el cielo sea el límite de lo que los sofisticados profesionales del marketing pueden lograr en un futuro próximo.


Ryan Gould
Vicepresidente de Estrategia y Servicios de Marketing

Marketing de elevación

Desde instituciones heredadas de Fortune 100 hasta inventivas empresas de nueva creación, Ryan aporta una amplia experiencia con una gran variedad de clientes B2B. Diseña y gestiona hábilmente la entrega de programas de marketing integrados, y cree firmemente en la estrategia, no sólo en la táctica, que alinea eficazmente a los equipos de ventas y marketing dentro de las organizaciones.