Putting privacy at the centre of everything we do

We are committed to data privacy from the point of collection to final use



Privacy First

Tamoco’s privacy procedures cover the location and proximity data from the point of collection and generation through to the point where is it shared with our customers and partners platforms’.

Tamoco takes the issue of data privacy and consent very seriously, and we’ve implemented strict policies and procedures in order to protect the data that we generate, license and sell. We’ve considered how we handle, anonymize and store data from the point of collection to the point of destruction – and everything in between. Most importantly, we’ve covered our privacy policy to extend to how this data flows into our customers’ platforms.

Tamoco ensures that its partners and customers adhere to all applicable privacy laws (including, but not limited to the General Data Protection Regulation “GDPR”) and industry privacy standards, and process all location data and customer data accordingly.



We do not collect or analyse any personally identifiable information (PII).



We only source data from users that have opted in to location sharing.



Ourselves and our partners provide a clear and simple opt-out process.


Privacy compliant

We are fully compliant with current EU and UK legislation.

Our core privacy mission


Put the user first

We need to ensure that user experiences are not compromised in order to prioritise data collection. This includes ensuring the user understands that their location and/or proximity data will be collected.


Obtain consent

Our publisher partners must obtain all relevant explicit consents from users to the fullest extent possible for the collection of location data from their mobile device(s).


Respect the right to opt-out

All partners whether buying or collection location data, must adhere to the rule that users’ have full and uncompromising control over their data and must respect the settings and choices that users make over their location data.
