Data Retail

How Retailers Use Geospatial Data To Create Better Marketing Campaigns

If you’re a retailer, you know the importance of marketing your business digitally. You also know that your ability to effectively market to a consumer is what wins it for you. But, have you considered location-based marketing through geospatial data? In this article, we are going to go over what geospatial data is, the benefits […]


How Geospatial Data In Fintech Is Expected To Revolutionize The Way You Bank

With an estimated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.8%, the Global Fintech market will hit $332.5 billion by 2028. And there are no signs of slowing down in sight. Deloitte says the second wave of fintech is right around the corner. And it involves partnering with technology companies to use data to gain access to new markets, understand […]


The Impact of the Discourse Community on the Exploration of Geospatial Analysis

GIS analysis uses geographic data to solve issues and make choices. It analyzes patterns and correlations using geography, computer science, and statistics. Geospatial data has affected environmental research, urban planning, public health, and transportation. However, the discourse community, the collection of individuals who share a language and purpose, can also influence geographical data discovery and […]


Visualizing Geospatial Data & Location Data – The 16 Top Methods

The Importance of Visualizing Geospatial Data Welcome to the wild and wonderful world of geospatial data visualization! If you’re anything like us, you find that maps just have a certain je ne sais quoi that makes them endlessly fascinating. But let’s be real, maps aren’t just for daydreaming about far-off places. They’re powerful tools for […]

Spatial reference system (SRS)

A coordinate system that defines the location of a point in space in terms of a set of coordinates, typically latitude and longitude.

Geographic coordinates

A set of numbers that represents a specific location on the Earth’s surface. Geographic coordinates can be in latitude and longitude, or in another coordinate system such as Universal Transverse Mercator.


Cómo mantener la seguridad de su empresa mientras trabaja a distancia

Working remotely has many advantages for workers and hirers, but it has also increased the chances of having a data or security breach. This is why as a business owner; it is important to keep your business Secure. Remote working gives business owners the advantage of employing the best talent for jobs no matter the […]


Entrepreneurial Edge: How Students Balance Business Ventures and Academics

The conventional barriers between education and entrepreneurship are eroding in a time when innovation and upheaval are what shape the business landscape. In addition to being information searchers, today’s students are opportunity creators who strike a careful balance between their academic and entrepreneurial endeavors. This paper investigates the entrepreneurial spirit demonstrated by students who struggle […]


Navigating the Challenges of Data Privacy and Security in a Hyper-Connected World

Mastering the Art of Protecting Sensitive Information in the Digital Era In an age where digital connectivity is ubiquitous, this article delves into the critical aspects of data privacy and security. It offers businesses actionable insights and strategies to safeguard sensitive information, with a special focus on complying with GDPR and other privacy regulations. The […]


The Steps You Can Take To Boosting Business Productivity And Increasing Your Profits

For the success of your business, productivity and profitability go hand in hand. But what are the best ways to help boost your business to increase sales and revenue? We’ll be delving into the key areas to invest time and money in for your business to help it become more successful and ensure you can […]